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Trademark Registration in Meghalaya

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The trademark, its category, the goods or services for which it is registered, details about the scope of the registration of rights granted, the address of the owners, trademark particulars or an alternative description of the proprietor, the date of convention application (if applicable), and the fact that in Meghalaya, a trademark has been registered with the owner's consent when it comes to earlier marks or earlier rights are all contained in the trademark register, which is currently kept in electronic form. Legal Raasta search for trademarks prior to submitting your application.

Meghalaya is a stunning state in northeastern India that is well-known for its striking landscapes, distinct customs, and lively culture. The Sanskrit term "Meghalaya" means "abode of clouds," which accurately characterizes the misty hills, verdant woods, and tumbling waterfalls of the area. Along with delving into Meghalaya's history, culture, and tourism, we will experience the region's beauty and diversity.

A trademark benefits whom?

Those who have register a trademark in Meghalaya as an owner will prevent other businesses from using his brand illegally by suing for damages and obtaining the destruction of any infringing goods or labels.

Can any changes be made to the application or register?

Yes. Nonetheless, the underlying idea is that the proposed trademark shouldn't have its identity significantly changed. Subject to this, modifications are allowed in accordance with guidelines specified in the lower laws.

When is it possible to use the TM & ® mark?

While the registration process is ongoing, TM can be used. When registering / applying a trademark, ® is utilized.

An artistic work: what is it?

An artistic creation entails: a sculpture, painting, drawing (which includes a diagram, map, chart, or plan), engraving, or photograph, regardless of whether any of them are considered to be works of art; an architectural creation; and any other artistically crafted piece.

A musical work is what?

"Musical work" refers to any composition of music, including any accompanying graphic notation; it excludes any words or actions meant to be chanted, spoken, or performed in conjunction with the music. A musical composition can benefit from copyright protection even if it isn't recorded.

Specialist legal counsel known as trademark agents helps clients safeguard their service marks and trademarks both domestically and abroad. Similar to trademark agents in Meghalaya, are employed by big industrial companies' intellectual property departments or by private trademark agents businesses. Applying trademark applications in Meghalaya, organizing opposition processes, representing clients during hearings, and handling discussions with the Trademark Registry addressing objections presented are usually among their everyday responsibilities.



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