Convenient Trademark Registration Services in Madurai

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What exactly is a trademark? It is helpful to graphically display a brand. It can distinguish one person's goods or services from those of another. It could include the products' packaging, color scheme, and shape. A mark or registered trademark that is used in connection with goods or services to indicate or establish a relationship between them in the course of business. A mark can be any combination of a trademark, label, device, heading, ticket, shape of the goods, word, letter, packaging, or any combination of colors.

Essential specifications for a trademark

A trademark is an emblematic representation of a product or service that is used to indicate a commercial relationship between the product or service and the owner of the mark.

The role that a trademark plays in contemporary business.

Various kinds of marks.

Madurai Trademark Registration Types

It can be difficult to trademark your brand because of the many obstacles in your way. It can be as confusing as navigating a foreign territory if you are unaware of the features or aspects of your business image that warrant protection. So allow us to guide you toward the light.

Mark of Product.

A product mark, as opposed to a service mark, indicates the source of the good or product. A service mark is used to distinguish a business from its services. The product mark also contributes to maintaining the company's good name.

Service Mark.

Similarly to the product's mark, a service mark denotes a source of services as opposed to the source of goods. For instance, Yahoo may use a trademark to identify some products, but their online search engine is marked by a service mark.

Mark it collectively.

When a good or service is used to symbolize a group, its distinctive qualities are highlighted to the public utilizing the collective mark. An association, a governmental institution, or a Section 8 business may be the owner of a trademark.

Mark of Certification.

An indication that the goods or services meet the owner's standards for origin, material, quality, and correctness is known as a certification mark. In contrast to a typical trademark, this one identifies apart products and services that come from a single business.

Markings of various shapes.

To increase brand recognition and sales, shape marks are used to differentiate a product's shape so that consumers would link it with a certain manufacturer.

Mark of Pattern.

A distinctively designed pattern is eligible for the pattern marks. The pattern won't be registered if it isn't distinct.

Mark, sound off.

A memorable melody, jingle, or memorization that signifies a company or item is called a sound mark. The brand name of a good or service can be made easier for consumers to recall with its help. The IPL theme song is among the most widely recognized in India.


It is indeed possible to renew a trademark registration in Madurai.

If no oppositions or objections are made by outside parties, the Madurai trademark registration process takes between 12 and 18 months.

After the application is filed, a trademark can be registered for ten years.

For further information on the available prices, you need to speak with the professionals at Legal Raasta.



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