Kollam Trademark Registration Made Easy

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Registering your trademark will protect your intellectual property. Any word, name, or symbol used to differentiate the goods or services of a particular provider from another is considered a registered trademark or service mark.

You must choose a trademark that is both federally registrable and legally protected. Even though it's not required, registering a trademark offers many benefits. It comprises exclusive rights for using the mark in or in connection with all goods/services indicated in the registration, as well as notice of the public of the registrant's claim to be the owner of the mark and a worldwide legal presumption of ownership.

In three months, the trademark will be authorized and granted, and in six to three years, it will be registered. Get in touch with your Kollam trademark registration expert at Legal Raasta.

Registering a trademark in Kollam has rewards

Our advisors can handle the renewal process

Kurnool Service Mark Registration

Another idea related to the trademark registration process in India is service mark registration. Service providers, such as those in the medical, banking, advertising, telecommunications, and hospital industries, typically use service marks.

Class 35 to 45 fall under this category, according to the trademark nice classification. After applying the appropriate trademark registry, applicants are permitted to use SM. Based on this, we may determine that both trademark registration and service mark registration are concepts under intellectual property laws (IPR) that depend on services.

Kurnool Brand Name Registration

A crucial component of contemporary business is the protection of goodwill and brand names. To do that, apply for the trademark registration. Under the same company or a distinct one, all business owners use several brand names. It is required to search the trademark registration before selecting a certain brand name.

Selecting the appropriate brand name for a product or service is a legal requirement in today's marketplaces and online channels. In terms of intellectual property rights, trademark, and brand name registration follow the same procedure.

Symbols or Kurnool Logo Registration

A logo's protection is crucial for identifying goods and services in the marketplace. People can quickly recognize the products based on their shape, color, design, and artwork. Trademark registration can be completed in conjunction with the logo registration process. The application may be submitted separately from the name or logo.

The applicant may file a copyright application before the copyright registration authority following the filing of an application for a logo before the trademark registration. Prior to submitting an application for logo registration in Kurnool, the applicant wants to make sure that the logo is original and uncopied.

TM represents Trademark ™.

Trademark that is not registered.

  • Once in the application field, the owner may utilize the TM symbol.
  • Demands for Rights.
  • Brand of Service (SM).
  • The registered mark is ®.
  • The copyright symbol is ©.



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