Navigating Trademark Registration in Kannur

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By proving that the business's name, logo, tagline, and other characteristics are exclusive to the business, trademarks lend credibility to the enterprise. This stops other companies from stealing or using your name or logo. But as Legal Rasta Consultant is among the top firms in Kannur for trademark registration, you won't ever need to worry about this when working with us. Our many years of registered trademarks in Kannur experience will help us to serve you more effectively.

Is it necessary to have a trademark in Kannur?

While it's not necessary, registering a trademark in Kannur provides your business with a competitive edge by boosting its reputation and trust factor. It is advised that you register the trademark of your business to reduce infringement and duplication. Once the Trademark has been granted to you, you may use it in all of your marketing collateral, websites, and other places like hoardings.

Additionally, your trademark needs to be renewed once every ten years. Whether you are filing for an individual or company class in Kannur will affect the cost of your trademark registration. Trademark registration costs are as follows: one for each class of application, along with one per applicant fee. Searching for the top Kannur trademark registration consultants? Here we are, exactly! Get in touch with Legal Raasta and claim what makes you different before anyone else does!

Gains from Registering a Trademark

Legal Defense.

Only legitimate trademark owners have the right to take legal action or file a lawsuit for damages against rival companies that use the same tradename or logo for their operations.

A distinct Persona.

Having your trademark registered will assist in giving your products or services a distinctive character and brand.

Customer Goodwill & Trust.

Because it gives your product individuality, a registered trade name fosters client trust and helps you develop goodwill.

Gain popularity.

The government trademark database has the registered trademark name readily searchable. As a result, it promotes your popularity with others.

Online trademark registration procedure in India

  • Speak with a Trademark Government Agent. Online applications can only be submitted by government-registered trademark agents. This is quick and efficient while saving you Rs. 500 or Rs. 1000 in fees.
  • Submission of an Application. Agents are required to apply online for registration.
  • Attach the documents. Add all supporting documentation, such as a power of attorney, to this application.
  • Fee payment. The government fee is paid online.
  • Submission. The next step is to apply after it has been completed.
  • Certificate of Registration. A certification of registration is given out when the application has been approved by the authority.

Documents are needed to register a trademark

Included in Our Service Package



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