Instant Private Limited Company Registration in Gurgaon

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A Private Limited Company (Pvt Ltd) is a privately managed company established for any authorized purpose under the Companies Act of 2013. With a minimum of two and a maximum of two hundred members, the name of the company must end with the words 'Private Limited'. For companies incorporated outside India that are looking to start their operations in Gurgaon, India, establishing a Pvt Ltd company is an ideal choice due to its relaxed compliance regime compared to a public limited company.

Minimum Requirements for Private Limited Company Registration in Gurgaon

  1. Shareholders: Minimum of 2 shareholders.
  2. Directors: Minimum of 2 directors, with at least one being an Indian resident.
  3. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): Required for two directors.
  4. Director Identification Number (DIN): Required for 2 directors.
  5. Authorized Share Capital: No minimum requirement.
  6. The directors and shareholders can be the same persons.

Documents Required for Company Registration

From Directors:
From the Company:
From Subscribers:
  1. All documents from foreign directors/subscribers must be notarized and apostilled. If not in English, a translated and notarized copy is required.
  2. Additional documents are needed if the subscriber is another company, including a resolution passed by the subscriber company and its Certificate of Incorporation.

Types and Requirements for Private Limited Company Registration in Gurgaon

Private Limited Company

  1. Shareholders: Minimum 2.
  2. Directors: Minimum 2.
  3. DIN: Required.
  4. DSC: Required.
  5. Authorized Share Capital: No minimum requirement.

Public Limited Company

  1. Shareholders: Minimum 7.
  2. Directors: Minimum 3.
  3. DIN: Required.
  4. DSC: Required.
  5. Authorized Share Capital: Minimum 5 Lakhs.

Section 8 Company

  1. Shareholders: Minimum 2.
  2. Directors: Minimum 2.
  3. DIN: Required.
  4. DSC: Required.
  5. Authorized Share Capital: No minimum requirement.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

  1. Designated Partners: Minimum 2.
  2. DIN: Required.
  3. DSC: Required.
  4. Capital Contribution: As per partnership agreement.

One Person Company (OPC)

  1. Shareholder: 1.
  2. Director: 1.
  3. Nominee: 1.
  4. DIN: Required.
  5. DSC: Required.
  6. Authorized Share Capital: No minimum requirement.

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Merits of a Private Limited Company Formation

Registration of a Private Limited Company in New Delhi entails numerous critical stages, which LegalRaasta handles efficiently.

1. Separate Legal Entity:

A Pvt Ltd company is a juristic legal person, separate from its members, providing a clear distinction between the company and its owners.

2. Perpetual Succession:

The company registration is uninterrupted even by the death or insolvency of shareholders or directors.

3. Limited Liability:

Members' liability is limited to the unpaid amount on their shares.

4. Easy Transferability of Ownership:

Ownership can be easily transferred through the transfer of shares, subject to the restriction that the total number of members does not exceed 200.

5. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Allowed:

100% FDI is allowed, enabling foreign entities or individuals to invest directly in a Pvt Ltd company.

6. Builds Credibility:

Company particulars are publicly available, enhancing credibility and ease of authenticating company details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

- No, physical presence is not essential; the process can be done online.

- The certificate of incorporation is valid in perpetuity unless the company is officially dissolved.

- Foreign investment is restricted in many industries, including atomic energy, the lottery industry, gambling, and betting.

- Any individual over the age of 18 may serve as a director. One of the directors must be an Indian citizen.

- Yes, an official location of business is crucial for Company registration.

- Important documents include identity and address proofs, DSC, DIN, and proof of the company's registered office. You can also contact our LegalRaasta Experts for a quick and effective process.

Contact LegalRaasta for a Seamless Company Registration:

By following these steps and understanding the requirements, registering a Pvt Ltd company in Gurgaon becomes a streamlined process, enabling businesses to take advantage of the various benefits offered by this business structure. For more information and assistance in registering your company, visit LegalRaasta.



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