Himachal Pradesh Business Licenses: How to Get Your LMPC Certificate

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Companies that import pre-packaged items must have an LMPC certificate for import before they can enter the nation. Everything needs to be done, including labeling accurately, measuring weight or volume correctly, and adhering to packing regulations. The LMPC certificate for import is to be applied for no later than ninety days prior to the beginning of packaged goods imports. Manufacturers and packers should adhere to LMPC certificate for import guidelines in order to guarantee transparency and trust. Measurement science is known as metrology. Standards for the management of measures and measuring equipment are provided by legal metrology. Legal metrology is not only essential to fair trade but also safeguards customers, businesses, the environment, along with public safety.

As per the Legal Metrology Act of 2009, the Metrology Department at the Ministry of Consumer Affairs must issue a Legal Metrology Certificates before any packaged goods, including food items, consumer products, and export goods, can be sold or distributed in India. The range of weights and measures has expanded as a result of significant improvements in measuring and weighing procedures brought about by advances in science and technology.

Legal licenses for metrology

A particular license is granted to the individual applicant based on the nature of the business transaction. The following license types exist.

01. Manufacturer license: The person who makes weights and measures is granted this license. The procedure to obtain a license is as follows:
  • Apply using the enclosed format (LM-1).
  • A district nodal official will receive the application first, and based on the firm's address, they will submit it to the appropriate Local as well as Senior Inspector/Inspector (The Legal Metrology Officer).
  • After evaluating the applicant's proposed location and the required documentation, a local Senior Inspector/Inspector are going to prepare a report with recommendations that will be forwarded to the Controller (The process of licensing Authority) via Divisional Assistant Controllers. This report and recommendation will assess the applicant's manufacturing capacity and capability.
  • Assistant Controllers will forward the application and their recommendations to the Controller after examining the materials, Local LMOs report, and application.
  • The applicant will be notified of any major defects in the application by the Local Inspector, Assistant Controller, or Controller, who may issue a query or objection that must be removed.
  • The Controller may request that the applicant deposit the Rs. 500 license fee in the relevant head of accounts once they have reviewed the entire application and determined it is appropriate to grant a license.
  • Following the payment of the licensing fee and receipt of a copy at the Controller's office, the license would be granted in the format specified.
02. License for Repairer: A repairer is someone who cleans, lubricates, levels, or coats any weight or measurement.

The following procedures must be followed by someone who wants to get licensed to repair weights and measures:

  • Apply using the enclosed format (LR-1).
  • The district nodal officer will review the application first, and based on the address of the firm, they will simply submit it to the relevant Local Senior Inspector/Inspector (Legal Metrology Officer).
  • A local senior inspector or inspector will inspect the applicant's intended premises and documents; after reviewing the information, the inspector will prepare a report and submit it, along with the application and recommendation, to the Assistant Controller (the licensed authority with delegated powers).
  • The Controller's Assistant may designate a committee of three members to investigate and assess the applicant's ability and competency to repair weights and measures after evaluating the application, the local the LMO report, and supporting documentation and establishing an adequate case for awarding the license. After that, the committee gets ready and gives the Assistant Controller its report.
  • If the application has a significant error, the Assistant Controller or Local Inspector may raise a question or objection, which the applicant will be able to see and address.
  • The Assistant Controller has the authority to demand that the applicant pay the license fee of Rs. 100/-in the appropriate head of accounts following evaluation of the application and determination that it meets the requirements for license issuance.
  • Following the payment and receipt of a copy of the fee at the Assistant Controller's office, the license will be granted in the relevant format.
  • Through the divisional Assistant Controller, the application for a state-wide repair license must be submitted to the Controller (the licensing authority).
03. Legal Metrology Dealer license: Under a state Legal Metrology (The enforcement) Rules, 2011, a dealer license is granted to individuals engaged in the trade and marketing of measures and weights. If an importer want to function as a weights and measures dealer, they must get both an importer/manufacturer license and a dealer license.
  • Apply using the enclosed format (LD-1).
  • The district nodal officer will review the application first, and based on the address of the firm, they will simply submit it to the relevant Local Senior Inspector/Inspector (Legal Metrology Officer).
  • Together with the application and recommendation (Licensing Authorities under delegated powers), a regional Senior Inspector/Inspector will look into the applicant's planned premises and the papers. After producing a report, they will transmit it to the Assistant Controller.
  • If the application has a significant error, the Assistant Controller or Local Inspector may raise a question or objection, which the applicant will be able to see and address.
  • The Assistant Controller may demand that the applicant pay the $100 licensing fee in the appropriate head of accounts following evaluation of the application and determination that it is appropriate for license issuance.
  • Once payment has been made and a copy of the fee has been received by the Assistant Controller's office, the license is going to be issued in the proper format.



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