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Trademark of Your Company Name in India

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Trademarks are essential for building brand identification and safeguarding intellectual property in India. It is crucial to confirm if the intended trademark name is available before devoting efforts to brand development. In the Indian market, entrepreneurs and companies may successfully safeguard their brands, reduce the likelihood of violating already registered trademarks, and make well-informed judgments. Simply put, a trademark search verifies that the trademark one wants to register through your logo is not already owned by another individual or business.

What does Trademark Search entail?

Searching the trademark database for any registered trademark name, along with logo registration, or as design you wish to trademark is known as trademark search. The applicant may alter their trademark name if there are comparable trademarks, whether they are registered or awaiting registration. By going through this procedure, the applicant can reduce the likelihood that any trademark or label that is confusingly close to or identical with the proposed trademark will cause a conflict during the registration process.

All trademark applications submitted in India by various parties are compiled in the trademark search database. This Controller General of Designs, Patents, and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) website lists every trademark. All Indian trademark applications, whether registered, pending, or expired, are listed in the Trademark Registry's database.

The importance of searching for trademarks

The applicant can use the internet database to perform a trademark search to confirm that their brand is registered, as all Indian trademark are managed by the Controller-General of Patent Design and Trademark in India and logo registered by the Indian Trademarks Registrar.

  1. An infraction of the relevant laws would be prevented by a trademark search (s).
  2. Avoiding repetition by verifying the accessibility.
  3. Preserving originality while adhering to the correct trademark categorization.
  4. Avoiding disputes about intellectual property.

Which terms should you be aware of before submitting a trademark application?

Before submitting your trademark application, you should be aware of the following terminology.

1. All of the forbidden marks are included under this heading:

Use of any of those marks may result in the rejection of your application. National, Mahatma Gandhi, the ISO, etc. are a few instances.

. Vienna Code classification:

If a brand name includes a logo registration, you can find information and specifics about related registration of brand names by conducting a trademark search under this classification system.

3. Class Details:

You can locate the specific class to which a product belongs in this section. There are multiple languages in which the trademark searching can be done.

4. Well-known marks:

A listing of every one of well-known trademarks may be found in this section.

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How Should a Trademark Search Be Performed?

The procedures for determining whether a trademark is available in India are listed below.

Make Use of the Indian Trademarks Database:

The Indian government's trademark database should be used as the first port of call for determining whether a mark is available. A trademark search database is available on the Controller the General for Design, Trademarks, and Patent and trademarks (CGPDTM) official website. Additionally, you can enter phrases and terms that can reflect the trademark application using the trademark search facility. The results of your search to see whether any identical or similar trademarks are pending or registered. The results can be filtered based on trademark class, kind, and degree of match.

Perform an Extensive Web Search:

Although the Indian Trademarks Database is a useful tool, it is imperative to supplement the search with an extensive Web search. Utilize internet directories and marketplaces, social media platforms, and search engines to locate any comparable registration of brand names or trademarks being used in India. Take into account both unable to register common law trademarks and trademarks that are registered, as the later may still present a dispute.

Verify the Availability of Domain Names:

In the digital age, securing a matching domain name is essential for a registration of brand's online identity. Verify whether domain names that correspond with the chosen brand are available. Check to see if the domain name has been registered by going to domain name registration websites or using search engines. While the existence having a domain name is not a guarantee that a trademark is available, it could point to potential problems.

Speak with a specialist:

It's usually essential to hire the trademark attorney or agency to perform a "comprehensive search" as internet searches are not always reliable. Speak with a knowledgeable CA to make sure you do a thorough search and to get expert guidance. They can provide you with appropriate guidance on trademarks searches in India because they are knowledgeable about Indian legislation. A CA will review the search results, determine whether there is a possibility of conflicts, and offer guidance on whether the desired trademark is available. Their advice is really helpful when comprehending the nuances of Indian trademark laws.

Anyone can perform a trademark search within India by following these easy steps:

How Should the Search Results Be Used?

Upon completion of a trademark search, the following step is to review the search results and determine the likelihood of registration for the proposed trademark.

If the search results indicate that the proposed trademark is likely to clash with an already-registered mark, it is advisable to make changes to or give up on the mark before completing an application for registration. It is safe to proceed with the registration of trademarks process, which starts with filing of a request for trademark registration in the relevant Trademark Registry, if the search results indicate that that the proposed trademark is unique and is not in conflict against any already-existing trademark rights. The application process requires submitting the required data, supporting documentation, and payment.



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