Tips And Tricks To Choose A Strong Trademark For Your Business

A strong trademark is a vital asset for any business, serving as a unique identifier that distinguishes your products or services from competitors. The process of selecting a robust trademark involves several critical steps, including conducting a thorough Trademark Search, understanding the appropriate Trademark Class, and ensuring your trademark is protected against Trademark Infringement. This blog will guide you through the essential steps to choose a strong trademark for your business.

Understanding Trademarks

A trademark is a symbol, word, phrase, or design that identifies and differentiates the source of the goods or services of one party from those of others. Trademarks play a crucial role in establishing brand identity and loyalty. Effective Trademark Registration not only provides legal protection but also adds significant value to your business by building brand recognition and consumer trust.

Conduct A Thorough Trademark Search

Step 1: Conduct a Thorough Trademark Search

Before you settle on a trademark, it's crucial to conduct a comprehensive Trademark Search. This step helps ensure that your desired trademark is not already in use and reduces the risk of Trademark Infringement. Here are the key steps to conducting a Trademark Search:

1. Search National Databases: Start by searching your country's trademark database. In India, for instance, you can use the Intellectual Property India database to check for existing trademarks.

2. Search International Databases: If you plan to operate internationally, search databases like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

3. Check Domain Names and Social Media: Verify that the trademark is available as a domain name and on social media platforms to maintain consistency across all digital channels.

4. Consult with a Trademark Attorney: A trademark attorney can conduct a more thorough search and provide legal advice on the availability and registrability of your desired trademark.

Step 2: Selecting the Proper Trademark Class

Understanding the appropriate Trademark Class for your goods or services is essential for successful Trademark Registration. The Nice Classification (NCL), an international system, categorizes goods and services into 45 classes. Here’s how to determine the right class:

1. Identify Your Goods or Services: Clearly define what products or services you offer.

2. Consult the Nice Classification: Refer to the Nice Classification to find the class that best describes your goods or services. For example, Class 25 includes clothing, footwear, and headgear, while Class 35 covers advertising and business services.

3. Consider Multiple Classes: If your business covers a range of products or services, you may need to file under multiple classes. Ensure you cover all relevant classes to maximize your trademark protection.

Step 3: Evaluate the Strength of Your Trademark

Not all trademarks offer the same level of protection. Trademarks can be categorized into five distinct types based on their strength:

1. Generic: These are common terms that cannot be registered as trademarks (e.g., "Computer" for a computer brand).

2. Descriptive: These describe a characteristic of the goods or services and generally are not registrable unless they acquire a secondary meaning (e.g., "Quick Print" for a printing service).

3. Suggestive: These suggest a quality or characteristic of the goods or services and are inherently registrable (e.g., "Netflix" for a streaming service).

4. Arbitrary: These are common words used in an unrelated context (e.g., "Apple" for computers). They are highly protectable.

5. Fanciful: These are invented terms with no prior meaning (e.g., "Kodak"). They offer the highest level of protection.

Choosing a suggestive, arbitrary, or fanciful trademark increases the likelihood of successful Trademark Registration and provides stronger protection against Trademark Infringement.

Step 4: Ensure Your Trademark is Distinctive and Memorable

A strong trademark should be distinctive and easy to remember. Here are some tips for creating a distinctive trademark:

1. Avoid Common Words and Phrases: Unique and invented words are more likely to be distinctive.

2. Use Creative Logo Designs: Incorporating a unique logo can make your trademark more distinctive and visually appealing.

3. Think About Pronunciation and Spelling: Ensure your trademark is easy to pronounce and spell, which helps with brand recall.

4. Consider Long-Term Viability: Choose a trademark that will remain relevant as your business grows and evolves.

Step 5: File for Trademark Registration

Once you have selected a strong and distinctive trademark, the next step is to file for Trademark Registration. This process involves several key steps:

1. Prepare Your Application: Gather all necessary information, including the name, logo, and a description of the goods or services.

2. Choose the Appropriate Trademark Class: As discussed earlier, ensure you file under the correct class(es).

3. Submit Your Application: In India, you can file your application online through the Intellectual Property India website. For international registration, consider filing through WIPO’s Madrid System.

4. Monitor Your Application: After submission, regularly check the status of your application and respond promptly to any office actions or objections.

5. Publication and Opposition: Once accepted, your trademark will be published in the trademark journal. Third parties have the right to object to the registration during this time. If there are no objections, your trademark will be approved for registration.

Step 6: Protect Your Trademark Against Infringement

Trademark Infringement occurs when another party uses a trademark that is identical or confusingly similar to your registered trademark, potentially causing confusion among consumers. To protect your trademark:

1. Monitor the Market: Regularly monitor the market for any unauthorized use of your trademark.

2. Send Cease and Desist Letters: If you identify potential infringement, send a cease and desist letter to the infringing party demanding they stop using your trademark.

3. Take Legal Action: If the infringing party does not comply, consider taking legal action to enforce your trademark rights. Seek advice from a trademark attorney.

4. Renew Your Trademark: Ensure you renew your trademark registration periodically to maintain your rights. Trademarks in India need to be renewed every ten years.

Step 7: Consider International Protection

If you plan to expand your business internationally, consider protecting your trademark in other countries. The Madrid System, administered by WIPO, allows for international Trademark Registration in multiple countries through a single application. Here’s how to proceed:

1. File a Basic Application: Start by filing a trademark application or having an existing registration in your home country.

2. Submit an International Application: Use the Madrid System to file an international application based on your home application or registration.

3. Designate Member Countries: Select the countries where you wish to protect your trademark.

4. Monitor the Process: Each designated country will review your application according to its national laws. Monitor the process and respond to any office actions.


Choosing a strong trademark is a critical step in building a successful and recognizable brand. By conducting a thorough Trademark Search, selecting the appropriate Trademark Class, and ensuring your trademark is distinctive and memorable, you can enhance your chances of successful Trademark Registration. Moreover, protecting your trademark against Trademark Infringement and considering international protection can further safeguard your brand's identity and reputation.

Remember, a well-chosen trademark not only distinguishes your business from competitors but also builds consumer trust and loyalty. With careful planning and legal guidance, you can create a robust trademark that stands the test of time and supports your business's growth and success.

For professional assistance with Trademark Registration, conducting a Trademark Search, or addressing Trademark Infringement issues, consider consulting with experts at LegalRaasta. Our experienced team can guide you through the entire process, ensuring your trademark is well-protected and legally sound.


Parmeet Chhabra, a skilled content writer and editor at LegalRaasta since 2020, with a writing journey of over 5 years, specializes in crafting informative web pages and blogs over diverse domains like education, legal laws, government licences, web development, etc.

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