Reasons why you should register your copyright

What is Copyright

The term copyright refers to the ownership or control of the rights to use and distribution of certain works of creative expression that include books, video, movies, and computer programs. Actually, the copyright law had been enacted to balance the desire of cultures to use and reuse creative works against the desire of the creators. The creativity could be of art, literature, music, and the like to monetize their work by controlling who can make and sell copies of the work. In this article, we will let you know the reasons why you should Register copyright online in India. Read more: Author rights under copyright law, Principles of Copyright Legislation system and for additional information must follow our blog.

Objectives of Register copyright Online in India

The first and foremost copyright registration e-filing motive is to encourage authors, composers, and artists to create original works. Moreover, it has been meant to reward them with an exclusive right for a limited period to reproduce the works for the benefits of the public. When the copyright will expire then the work belongs to the public go main and anyone may reproduce them without taking permission. Copyright is the right to prevent others from copying or reproducing the work. Somewhat copyright is similar to a patent right. It is the monopoly that retrains the public from doing that which is apart from the monopoly and it is perfectly lawful for them to do. The monopoly is itself a right which is granted for the purpose of preventing persons from unfairly availing themselves of the work of others. Whether it is of scientific or any kind of literary or artistic work. The objective of patent and copyright laws is the protection of authors either inventions or work of art. On the contrary, you must take care to not allow them to be made the instruments of oppression and extortion. Read more: Procedure for patent filing in India

Reasons why you should Register copyright Online in India

Following are the reasons and advantages to Register copyright online in India:
  •  the infringer will have to pay your lawyer in case if you succeed
  • When you succeed in an infringement suit then you are entitled to all money damages even in case if you cannot prove how much money you actually lost due to the infringement.
  • You are not allowed to sue for copyright infringement or get an order from a judge to make somebody stop using your work unless filing copyright either within the three months after your work is first published or before the infringement first occurs.
  • Your work will be in the Library of Congress.
  • Registration can protect your rights around twenty foreign countries that still condition legal protection on public notice.
  • Registration is the information to the world that this work is done by you and you have all the rights of ownership.
  • You can sell your right to control over the copyrighted work, so as to write the next big thriller you can sell the movie rights and keep the right to create a sequel.
  • The person who can distribute the work for commercial purposes is only you.
  • When the work would be displayed in public then everyone else will ask you first.
  • A copyright gives you the exclusive right to reproduce.
  • You can copy the work or change its form, like creating a sequel and revising or updating the work.
For more Information regarding Copyright registration, copyright scope and protection you can visit our website: Legal Raasta. Our experts are also available here to advise you further on Patent registration and trademark registration. Give us a call at 8750008585 and send your query on Email: [email protected]
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An experienced professional, Sakshi Sachdeva has been instrumental in propelling Legal Raasta's content creation efforts. Her career path has been varied, with notable stops in the textile, telecom, transportation, and communication sectors. She holds an MCA and an MSc in software degree.

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