Strategize Your Brand Registration By Focusing On Trademark Strength

Using trademarks is one of the most effective ways for a company to set its products apart from those of its clients. The trademark registration is a distinctive symbol that a business uses to set its goods apart from similar or identical goods made by rival companies. Based on the trademarks' inherent strength and registration possibility, they are categorized into various groups. For instance, registration of trademarks that are deemed arbitrary and fantastical are readily registrable and have significant legal recognition. In addition to acting as a marker to the trademark holder, the trademark must be able to set itself apart from comparable goods or services offered by other manufacturers.

Whether or not a trademark can be granted legal protection depends on how strong it is. It is simple to register certain naturally powerful marks through the trademark office. Nevertheless, a trademark won't be registered if it isn't strong enough to differentiate the goods or services. The owner of a registered trademark is permitted to utilize it. Only with the holder's prior consent may third parties use the trademark. The sole authority to use the register trademark for commercial purposes belongs to the trademark holder.

Strength of the Brand Registration

Two criteria are used to assess a trademark's strength.

  • Strength is inherent: A trademark's distinctiveness is determined by its inherent strength. If a trademark is original and creative, it is considered to have intrinsic strength. Commonly used terms are typically considered weak trademarks.
  • Strength is commercial: The trademark's level of market recognition is measured by its commercial strength.

Why is Trademark Strength Essential, and What Does it Mean?

The trademark is a symbol that helps customers tell one company's products apart from similar or identical ones made by other companies. Only when the sign such for a word or logo is acknowledged as a register trademark that is, when it is distinctive in relation to the goods or services in which it is employed can it serve this purpose of setting items apart. Particularly for word marks, the degree of distinctiveness, or trademark strength, can be represented on a spectrum. This spectrum's categories are arranged from strongest to weakest indications.

  • Fanciful Marks: These are also known as coined marks or devised marks. Signs that were specifically designed to trademark registration but have no inherent significance fall under this category. 
  • Arbitrary Marks: This category comprises real-world terms that can be found in dictionaries. These marks, however, are applied to goods that have nothing whatever to do with the word's meaning. 
  • Suggestive Marks: Without truly describing a product or service, a suggestive mark makes an inference about its nature or one of its characteristics. 
  • Descriptive Marks: These are marks that explicitly state the nature of the good or service, or its attributes (e.g., by listing an ingredient's quality, characteristic, functioning, feature, purpose, or use). If the phrase is commonly used in the jurisdiction wherever registration is requested, the sign will be deemed descriptive even if it is written in a foreign or antiquated language (like Latin). 
  • Generic Words: A generic word or phrase is the colloquial name for a certain kind of goods or service. For instance, a timepiece is generally referred to as a "clock." Generic words and phrases aren't registrable or safeguarded in relation to the goods or services they represent because the public views and uses them as common nouns so all parties providing “clocks” (to use the instance from above) ought to have the right to utilize the term during the course of business.

Strength Trademarks' Advantages

  • Increased Legal Protection: The greater legal protection that comes with owning a Strength trademark—such as an imaginative, capricious, or suggestive trademark—is one of its main benefits. Strength trademarks have an inherent advantage over others since the trademark office is more likely to give them exclusive rights. This implies that the owner of a registered trademark can stop others from using marks that are confusing to consumers.
  • Simpler Procedure for Registering: Because strong trademarks are more recognizable and unlikely to be mistaken for already registered trademarks, they are simpler to register at a trademark office & ensuring brand’s protection through strong trademarks typically leads to quicker and easier registration, reducing the likelihood of objections or rejections during the inspection phase.
  • Enhanced Rights for Enforcement: In the event of infringement, registered trademark owners possessing strong trademarks stand a higher possibility of effectively defending their rights. If two marks are confusingly similar, courts will usually rule in favor of the owner of the stronger trademark. This may discourage rivals from attempting to register or utilize marks that are similar to yours.
  • Increased Awareness of the Registered Brand: Strength to register trademarks help increase consumer loyalty and brands registration identification. Strength trademarks are easier for customers to recognize and select because they are distinctive and memorable, increasing the likelihood that they will be connected to a particular supplier of goods or services.
  • Durability and Brand Worth: Strong trademarks have the capacity to develop into recognizable and long-lasting emblems of a company's identity. They have the potential to develop substantial goodwill and turn into priceless intellectual property over time. A robust trademark can augment the total worth of a brand, rendering it a crucial component of the brand’s registration sustained prosperity.

Strength Trademarks' Drawbacks

  • Increased Costs for Branding and Marketing: The increased marketing and branding expenses required to create and promote a strong trademark, especially one that is whimsical or invented, could be a drawback & considering the trademark registration cost in India, customers might need more exposure and time to associate these trademarks with the brand since they are invented words or unrelated to the products or services they represent. This could result in higher costs for promotions and advertising.
  • First-Time Consumer Perplexity: Even while powerful trademarks are recognizable, consumers who are not already acquainted with the register a brand may initially become confused by them. 
  • Danger of Becoming Adaptable: Robust trademarks have the potential to become generic over time, especially if they become very popular and well-known. A trademark could lose the trademark protection and turn into a generic name if it starts to be used interchangeably with the category of products.
  • Considerations on an International Scale: Robust trademarks that work well in one country or area might not translate effectively in another. For instance, a whimsical trademark that is unique in one nation could be hard to say or have an unexpected meaning in another. This may make marketing and international brand registration more difficult.


The process of registering a trademark can differ greatly depending on the kind of mark you select. For maximum trademark protection, entrepreneurs and enterprises should aim for suggestive trademarks, rather than arbitrary or imaginative ones & tips for tracking trademark renewals is good decision-making can improve the security of your registered brand and help you avoid expensive legal disputes over trademark rights. Businesses can more skillfully manage the complexity of registered trademarks and enforcement by having a better awareness of the various trademark kinds and their corresponding advantages. Regardless of your level of experience or desire for growth, you should constantly take the strength of your trademark into account.

Parmeet Chhabra, a skilled content writer and editor at LegalRaasta since 2020, with a writing journey of over 5 years, specializes in crafting informative web pages and blogs over diverse domains like education, legal laws, government licences, web development, etc.

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