
In the very beginning, during the time of incorporation of a company, it is a given unique code used for the identification of the company. This code is called the Corporate Identification Number (CIN). This code is provided to each and every company, irrespective of it being private, public or one person.

Corporate Identification Number of every company is mentioned in the corporate directory and you can easily locate the CIN of every company in any such directory.  CIN is also mentioned in the letter head of the company.

A company’s CIN can be easily changed.

  • A unique CIN is given to every company for its identification and the company is supposed to use that CIN for its entire lifetime but it is in certain cases that the CIN may change as well.
  • change in location or state of the registered office of the country
  • change in the listing status of the company
  • the industry of the company changes
  • the sector of the company changes

Breaking the Corporate Identification Number Code

Corporate Identification Number is not just another alphanumeric combination. It stores a lot of vital information.

CIN Number is basically divided into 6 parts. Each part has some information about the Company:

  1. The first digit signifies the listing status of the company. It will be L if the company is listed and U if the company is unlisted.
  2. Next five digits of the CIN represent the industry code. Depending on the kind of business the company is doing, it is given a unique industry code.
  3. The next two digits are called the state code. This signifies the state in which the company has its registered office. This also helps us to locate the concerned ROC of the company.
    For Example: If the company has been registered in Maharashtra, the Code would be “MH”. But if the company changes the location of the registered office, CIN will change accordingly
  4. Next four digits signify the year of incorporation of the company. Thus one can tell the year of incorporation of the company just by looking at the CIN.
  5. Next three digits signify the type of company. It can be any one of the followings
  6. Public Limited Company (PLC)
    Private Limited Company (PTC)
    – Government of India Company, Centre (GOI)
    One person Company (OPC)
    – Company of State Government (SGC)
    Section 8 Company – Not for Profit (NPL)
  7. Last six digits represent the special ROC code of the company. ROC gives a unique and specific code to every company, which depends partly on the ROC the company has registered with and partly on the kind of business allocated to the company.