International Trademark Registration


International Trademark Registration

– Register International Trademark with Ease

– Won’t Cost a Fortune in Fees

– Maintain Your Brand at Peace

Trademark Registration

Why do I register for an International Trademark?

A trademark is used to distinguish your goods and services from those of other businesses. A good trademark helps your business stand out in the marketplace, with symbols of ™ or ®. It may also be referred to as Brand.

By getting your trademark registered, you protect your brand legally.

Trademark registration in a specific country is applicable to only that country. But to protect your trademark in other countries, you will need to apply to each country separately. You need to be registered under that country’s law and according to the prescribing regulations.

If you are planning to take your business global, you will end up filing separate trademark applications for each country.

Or you can take the attractive route of the Madrid Protocol. It prescribes a methodology of filing one international application, for about 115 countries around the world. It can be filed in either English, French or Spanish.

The Madrid Convention provides a cost-effective, efficient way, and user-friendly procedures for trademark holders. And protect the brands in multiple countries by filing a single application with a single office, with one set of fees, in one currency.

**Apply for your International Trademark Today, to make your branding strategy successful.

About Madrid Protocol

The Madrid Union currently has 116 members, including both States and intergovernmental organisations that are Contracting Parties to the Protocol.  They represent over 80% of world trade flows with attractive markets.

The Madrid Protocol is administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.  The Convention allows you to obtain and maintain protection for your brand around the world by providing user-friendly, expeditious and cost-effective set of procedures for the central filing of trademark applications and the central management of trademark registrations with effects in all or some of the member countries. The application is forwarded to WIPO for examination, registration, and publication. Next, the particulars of the international registration are notified by WIPO to each of the designated Members of the Convention.  The members have to decide, within strict time limits, whether they can grant protection to your mark in their territories. In case, a designated member does not raise & communicate any objection within 18 months from the date of notification of the international registration to it, the mark under international registration is deemed protected. In the territory of that member. Same as if it was registered directly with the IP office of that member.

  • The International Trademark depends on the national trademark for a period of 5-years from the date of registration of your International Mark

  • In this 5-years, the invalidation of the national trademark will correspondingly invalidate the International Registration.

Filing For International Trademark under Madrid Convention

International Trademark registration can be applied by a physical person, legal entity resident, or a real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in a member state of the Madrid Protocol.

Process of Filing International Trademark

  • Order Online by filling up this simple questionnaire

  • Search for unique trademark with us

  • We’ll draft & file application on your behalf

  • Following up with various authorities is our responsibility

Benefits of International Trademark Registration

An International Trademark allows the holder of a national registration (or even application) to extend, with a unified filing procedure, the trademark rights to other countries adhering to the Madrid Agreement.

Why LegalRaasta

LegalRaasta team strives to make the process of registering an International Trademark easy, seamless, cheapest, and quickest. We are constantly endeavouring to assist in all business-related issues of our Indian, as well as international clients. Be it incorporation, compliance, audits & accountancy, and/or management consultancy. 

Get in touch with us for International Trademark registration. Whether through the Madrid Protocol or not. 


Get registered with us, NOW, to protect your brand. 

Cost of Applying for International Trademark

  • For Applying Trademark Registration

    For applying for a trademark Registration separately in each country, our fee starts at $49 + Govt. charges

  • To Apply via the Madrid Protocol

    The price would include:

    Clearance fee of that specific country where your business is based. And we apply for Basic Trademark.

    International fees the international application fees to WIPO. This is to be paid in your country itself. But in Swiss francs. The amount takes into account how many countries you have selected in your application and how many classes of goods and services you have applied for.


Processing time in each country are different, but none takes longer than 18 months, generally. If the trademark doesn’t get rejected within this period, it is considered registered in the country concerned.

Your application will get processed in each of the territories you have chosen. The authorities will inform you if the trademark has either been deemed valid or refused registration in their countries. A letter of refusal will contain information about the changes required in the application or other reasons for refusal. And a time limit within which to complete the changes. Different countries would have different practices about what is acceptable in the specification of goods and services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the International Registration of Trademark?
What is the Madrid Protocol?
Who may apply for International Trademark?
Can I apply/add more countries later?
What is subsequent designation?
How long is International Trademark valid for?
What is WIPO?
Are trademarks protected internationally?
Is the registration of trademark compulsory?
Is India part of Madrid Convention?
How are trademarks protected?