Legal Services To Save Your Business

When you set up your own business there are many things that you need to consider. You need to do so much research and need to plan so many things. You need to come up with strategies, form a good and effective team. Write a business plan and do the marketing as well as raise funds. Amidst all this, you cannot forget about the legal requirements. Legalities are very important and are required at almost every step. If these legalities are not followed you will probably end up being sued. Therefore, there are many legal issues you need to take care of while setting up and running your business. These legalities end up protecting you and your business. Sure, they do add duties to your already filled plate but they are important as well as helpful. Below mentioned are all the legal services you will require to run your business and keep it safe.

Business Registrations:

The first and foremost legal service you will need is related to the registration of your business. In order to make your business legal, you need to register it. The registration requires many documents like identity proof, address proof and other documents depending upon the form of business being registered. A certificate is issued after the successful registration, which is a very important document and should be kept carefully. You may need permit and licenses also.

Common Registrations:

Registration for PAN card and DSC ( Digital Signature Certificate) is very common. They are generally required while registering the business and while using any legal service related to your business. DSC is required to sign many documents online and is seen as a very important certificate nowadays.  Also writing of business plan and Memorandum of Association is considered to be a legal service. You may require help due to their complex format. IEC registration is also common when global companies are considered.

Tax registrations:

Again a very important legal service, tax registrations are generally done by The Income Tax Department. However, many other legal service providers like ours can also help you with these registrations. Again documents like incorporation certificate, identity proof, and address proof will be required. Other documents can be also required depending on the registration. Tax filings are also to be registered and hence, legal services for the same are provided.

Business Protection Registrations:

These registrations are generally done to protect your business from any kind of infringement. It involves trademarks, patent, and copyright, depending upon the asset and product which is being protected. Again several documents are required. However, they bring along legal protection. This is very important considering the amount of competition and usage of unfair means in today’s market. These protections also give you indirect visibility and give you a wide range of legal rights over the protected asset.


Finance is an essential component of any business. Therefore, legal services related to bookkeeping and accounting are very common as well as helpful. Legal advice and services help you keep a formal and correct account of financial occurring in your company.

Updating and closing:

Any changes or modifications while running the business are required to be reflected in already registered documents. These changes follow specific rules and hence legal services for the same are provided. The closing of your business should also be notified to the Government and is done in a specific format. To avoid any mistakes and hindrances, legal services are provided. There are specific procedures for converting your business from one form to another. This again requires legal attention.

Legal Documents:

Other than above mentioned legal requirements, you may require legal services in drafting certain legal documents. Legal documents generally follow already specified rules by the Government. Hence, we have to administer legal supervision to avoid any mistakes. These legal documents include board resolution, all kind of certificates including birth and death certificate, resignation letters, job offer letters, different kind of agreements and contracts and many other documents.

Above mentioned legal services will let you run your business safely without any legal issues. All these registrations and filings will not only help your business to create a legal identity but they will also protect your business. To avail all these legal services, you should probably hire a legal consultant. Or, in a case of small business, you can take help of legal solution providers. Legal aid providers are generally the best option to go through these mandatory registrations and filings. They will give you the best possible solutions and even help you register with minimal documents possible.

We, at LegalRaasta on similar lines, can help you with all the above-mentioned registrations and filings. Ring us up at +91-8750008585 or shoot us an e-mail at
An experienced professional, Sakshi Sachdeva has been instrumental in propelling Legal Raasta's content creation efforts. Her career path has been varied, with notable stops in the textile, telecom, transportation, and communication sectors. She holds an MCA and an MSc in software degree.

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