
Unlock Your Brand with Free Trademark Search & Registration in India

A trademark search is one of the most important tools in your business’s marketing arsenal.Through this method, you can find and learn about trademarks that are currently in use in the market. Additionally, it assists you in determining whether someone is trying to register trademarks that may violate your brand names or other identifiers associated with your business. The value of trademark search and their proper execution in this section.

You can utilize a free and easy-to-use online trademarks search tool provided by LegalRaasta. You can use this tool to see if your preferred name is available as a trademark. Start by doing a quick search to find out if the name of the company or its symbol you have picked is already in use. Consider contacting the professionals at LegalRaasta for more thorough guidance and analysis into the online trademark search procedure. We can offer professional guidance and explanations about the search results you’ve received.


The value of conducting a trademark search.

  1. Being safe is always preferable to being sorry. A trademark search would prevent any applicable laws from being broken.
  2. One crucial factor to consider when choosing a trademark attorney to prevent trademark infringement is availability.
  3. It is essential that the trademark be correctly classified in addition to being unique.
  4. A thorough search might help to avoid any potential conflicts.


Multiple Trademark Classes

The worldwide categorization of products and services known as the NICE classification for trademarks has 45 classes, including classes 1 through 35 for goods and classes 36 through 45 for services. To find out which category the product is in, a class in search would be required prior to conducting a trademark search.

India Offers Free Trademark Name Search the Procedure for Verification.

  1. Go to to access the official trademark registration website in India.
  2. After selecting the trademarks tab, select Public Search.
  3. Three alternatives are offered under the search criteria: Phonetic, Vienna code, and Wordmark.
    1. Wordmark: Class, products description, and Wordmark are the keyword areas for this criterion.
    2. Vienna Code: The Vienna code and class are the pertinent keyword fields for Vienna Code searches.
    3. Phonetic: Phonetic, class, and items description are the keyword fields used in phonetic searches.
  4. These keyword fields will appear based on the criterion that has been selected:
  5. You must press the search button after entering all the necessary information.
  6. A list of trademarks that have been registered, objected to, or abandoned will be displayed on the result panel and will be used as the foundation for choosing a trademark.


Several Trademark Search Types in India

Three primary search formats are available for trademarks: Vienna Code, Phonetic, and Wordmark. Every kind is appropriate for various business types and their trademarks.

  • Wordmark: If you wish to look for a wordmark in the database, just type in the word that appears in the mark name. To register for a class in India, enter the mark that the class corresponds to. You may enter one class at a time if your offerings fall under more than one. To begin your search, select “Start With,” “Contains,” or “Match With” from the menu.
  • Phonetic search: This method returns any words that have a similar sound to the one you selected name. In this manner, by ensuring that the trademark is distinct from other marks on the market, a phonetic trademarks search lowers the possibility of confusion. Users will therefore only see the brand they want. It functions similarly to a word mark search.
  • Vienna Code: The primary purpose of the Vienna codes search is to locate trademarks for similar devices. After choosing the appropriate class, you input your six digit Vienna code associated with the “Vienna code.” Following the search, all of the marks with the device are displayed in the result table.

What makes a public search for a trademark important?

Before registering a proposed trademark, it is necessary to ascertain its availability and originality through a trademark public search. By precisely estimating the risk for infringement in advance, it assists in locating any already-registered trademarks that might clash against the proposed mark once it is registered.

Why is a trademark search being conducted in public?

Verifying that the intended trademark is not previously in usage or logo registered for another party is the main goal of searching for a public trademark via trademark attorney. It shields a brand’s original identity and helps avert legal challenges and possible re-branding expenses.

Why is conducting a trademark search necessary?

When do you know that can use something as your own once you’ve created a good or service and believe you possess a name for it? What occurs if a trademark or registered name is accidentally used? People can claim a mark under common law if they use it. Before investing time and money in registering a trademark, one must conduct a trademark search due to the emergence of corporate entities and trade names. Far too numerous individuals use names without checking to see if they are legally protected, and they launch large-scale marketing efforts using names they later discover they are unable to use. It seems sense to conduct a thorough search study before deciding to register your business mark, especially when you take any legal dangers into account.

It’s an excellent move to carry out a study prior to using a trademark attorney in commercial transactions. If a competitor is already actively operating in the same class, it might not be in your greatest advantage to employ a mark. In a court of law, that business could be able to make an objection to your usage of the trademarks and forbid you from using it.

Does conducting a trademark search require legal counsel?

No, you don’t, although we advise you to get professional assistance if you have any experience at all with trademarks. Trademark Comprehensive Study is a service that our firm provides. The study will offer you with information on the classes in which you may be interested in registering your trademark, a list of similar and identical trademarks, and an attorney’s recommendations about the logo registration and usage of your trademark.

How can one stay clear of typical pitfalls for trademark search?

Why are applications for trademark registration denied? That’s your mark.

  • Comparable to current marks in terms of look, meaning, or sound.
  • Comparable in strategy or mode of operation.
  • A generic description of a good, service, or place that the public is likely to mistake for another brand.
  • Misleading, muddled, or deceitful.
  • A surname of a person or family.


What are some strategies for avoiding mistakes when registering a service mark or trademark?

  • Create a bold, imaginative, and provocative trademark without going with something generic.
  • No matter how common they may be, stay away from offensive language.
  • Think about trademarking both your tagline or slogan and your website URL.
  • Spend some time conducting an exhaustive, full trademark search that covers common law and unregistered trademarks. Include word searches for synonyms, homonyms, phonetically similar words, and foreign words with comparable meanings, among other things.
  • Respond to every Trademark Office request.

Benefits associated with carrying out a trademark search.

There are several advantages for people and companies wishing to safeguard their intellectual property and brand identification when conducting a trademark search.

  1. Reducing legal issues: It assists you in locating registered trademarks to prevent disputes.
  2. Safeguarding your investment: Makes sure the trademark you’ve selected may be registered.
  3. Establishing trust: Consumer confidence is increased by registered trademarks.
  4. Growing your company: Provides opportunities for partnerships and growth.
  5. Prevents application rejection: Lowers the possibility of trademark office rejections.
  6. Secure marketing initiatives: Permits confident marketing free from legal concerns.
  7. Preventing infringement: Provides you with the authority to forbid other parties from making use of a mark that is identical to yours.
  8. Building trust with customers: Demonstrates dedication to compliance and quality.
  9. Encouraging worldwide growth: simplifies the procedure for obtaining international trademark protection via trademark attorney.

Online Search by Keyword

An online search is the most effective way to find out information about an already registered trademark. Here’s how to move forward:

  • Start by conducting a keyword search utilizing terms or phrases associated with your product or brand that you believe may be confusingly similar to already registered trademarks.
  • Go to the next step if your search parameters don’t provide any results for the name you enter.
  • Go to the trademark registry of the Indian government or run an IP Indian Public Search to find out if the name & logo is registered with the registry.
  • These databases frequently offer information on whether a competitor has submitted a claim for trademark protection through trademark attorney that may have an impact on how you use your own.

If someone else has filed an application to have their brand name protected from your use, it will be made explicit in every database record and frequently linked to the applications themselves.