ESIC’s registered companies have to file their return annually. In which they have to show all the changes done during the preceding year. They also have to submit the ESI contribution paid, once in every six months, its contribution period is 1st April to 30th September and 1st October to 31st March, which has to be submitted to the nearest branch office or ESI regional commissioner on form no. 5 which was previously formed no. 6 with ESI challan. The last date of submission of ESI return is within 42 days from the end of half yearly period that will be 12th November for period April to September and will be 12th may from October to March. ESI scheme also provide benefits to the employees and has a large network of dispensaries and hospitals throughout the country for providing fast and efficient medical care to the employees.
Payment of contribution through system generated challans has started from December 2010 by ESI (Employee State Insurance) Corporation. Every employer has to pay his contribution from wages bill and should pay this contribution at given rates by the ESIC to the designated branches of SBI and some others banks to receive the payment on its behalf.
By following the above steps, Return of contribution is submitted by the employer.
If any payment is not made by any employer in any of the months in any of two periods for which they are required to submit the return of contribution in physical form to the concerned branch office/Employee state insurance regional commissioner.
To file ESI Returns, Please Contact LegalRaasta.