The problem is not plastic as a substance; rather, it is how to handle plastic garbage. Various assessments indicate that India’s urban areas produce 26,000 metric tons of plastic e-waste every day. Plastic trash from land-based activities has a detrimental effect on the ecosystem, particularly on marine life. Plastic is a special kind of material with many uses, from food packaging to engineering and medical devices. Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) are required to do so by PWM, or Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 to ensure that no one uses plastic bags that are thinner than 50 microns and to forbid the use of recycled plastics for food packaging, including beverages. Additionally, the Rules mandate that municipal governments arrange for the independent collection, processing, and storage of plastic trash within their jurisdictions.
An online application must be submitted through the department portal to get a PWM license.
Any manufacturer may apply for a Plastic license, regardless of their country of origin. If a foreign manufacturer requests a license, that manufacturer’s Indian counterpart will serve as that manufacturer’s Indian representative. According to the most recent CDSCO rules, the Indian representatives of the maker must possess a valid state medicines license using Form 20-B/21-B as well as Form 42 (applied under Form 41).
In the modern world, plastic is a wonderful material whose usage is nearly impossible to outlaw. The Plastic Trash Management (PWM, or Plastic Waste Management) Rules of 2016 establish a framework to lessen the adverse effects of plastic trash on the environment. PWM regulations require local governments, such as urban local governments and panchayats, to arrange for the separate collection, processing, and storage of plastic waste within their jurisdictions.
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The goal of the Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules of 2016 is to lessen the harm that plastic trash causes to the environment. In the modern world, plastic is an essential commodity that is nearly impossible to outlaw. According to the PWM regulations, authorities like urban local bodies are required to offer distinct plastic waste collection, processing, and storage in designated regions.
1. Because plastic has penetrated rural areas, its application jurisdiction has expanded from urban areas to these locations.
2. Assigning duties to plastic trash producers and generators to retrieve waste from the market under their targets as part of Extended Producer Responsibility (also called EPR).
3. To encourage the use of plastic trash for waste oil, energy recovery, and road development under Indian Road Congress recommendations.
4. Keep an eye on and encourage the use of plastic carry bags with a micron or larger.
5. Raising awareness in civic communities about the need to use less plastic, etc.
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To obtain EPR authorization for your plastic waste management business, you will require the following documents:
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The application must be submitted to the state pollution control board in the prescribed manner, including with the aforementioned papers. The concerned officer can determine the location when plastic materials are in use and may provide additional information. The EPR certificate of the Plastic Waste Management Authority is granted upon the proper submission of the clarifications provided by the inspecting authority.
EPR Guidelines apply to the following types of plastic packaging:
Accordingly, a license by the state’s pollution control boards or the pollution control committee of the relevant UTs is required for any producer, brand owner, recycler, or manufacturer involved in the management of plastic trash. All garbage generators, gram panchayats, and local bodies, including producers, importers, and manufacturers of plastic materials, are subject to the regulations on the management of plastic waste.
All plastic bags and multi-layered packaging need to have the following information printed on them, solely in English –
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