
Is It Obligatory To Seek EPR Certification In India?

Today, waste management is one of the biggest challenges that the whole of the globe is facing and dealing with. There is taking place the most unimaginative dumping of plastic items as well as e-waste today is one of the most urgent and serious issues that needs to be addressed. Thus, EPR solutions have already emerged as the most eminent of the tools. Earlier, there were few nations globally that came up with EPR, considering it a voluntary practice to be followed by the producers, plastic product importers as well as the brand owners. However, with time, the Government of India will be introducing the same compulsory practice for ensuring the outcome as well as the most cumulative of the efforts from many different sectors.

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When EPR came into existence?

● EPR in India was introduced in 2016. Since the time of the introduction of this scheme, the governmental authorities are changing policies from time to time for attaining goals in plastic waste management(PWM).

● The introduction of EPR in the country was done in the year 2016.

● From that time, the Government is changing as well as introducing transformation in policy and this is for attaining goals, through incorporation within plastic waste management.

● The business will be deciding to begin with plastic recycling and should first be in the position of knowing all the details about the Governmental authority handling the segment.

● The EPR licensing for plastic waste in the nation will confirm that the business entity will be meeting all the unique needs of the business, stated within EPR compliance. This states that the organization will be absorbing as well as carrying out the recycling of the equivalent volume of the plastic that is being introduced within the environment. Thus, attaining a circular cycle within the plastic economy is required and this needs to be considered seriously.

Implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) :

Implementing EPR( Extended Producer Responsibility)
In the year 2016, the groundwork was being implemented for the EPR in the nation. Today, there is a precisely structured framework for the policies as well as the organizations for all the sectors participating actively. Owing to the quick industrial as well as organizational growth, it has become more vital than ever before to regulate this particular procedure. Thus, this EPR licensing scheme has become mandatory. All the businesses and individuals who would like to join the drive and campaign against plastic pollution should be in a position to understand what exactly is EPR licensing & what benefits EPR certification provides .

EPR relying upon plastic credits : There are certain companies that have become components of EPR solutions through collection as well as supply of plastic waste for recycling of units. There are three distinct ways through which the organization will be practicing the EPR solutions within the country. Here is the explanation of the approaches adopted with regard to the EPR services in the nation.

EPR based on fee : This model is most appropriately suited for small-scale industries. Thus, they are required to make the payment of the EPR fund and this will be utilized for the management of the plastic waste recycling procedure.

EPR based on PRO : In this type of approach, the company does not know what is the process for seeking EPR certification and intends to avoid any of the extra cost to set up a recycling plan that can utilize the PRO model. So, they will be hiring the partner PRO. The producer responsibility organization, PRO is fully equipped as well as proficient in the management of waste.

What paperwork needs to be submitted for EPR licensing?

The EPR licensing is mandatory for all the PIBOs. The Governmental authority has already laid down all the clear guidelines in the way an organization can look forward to licensing. Here is the comprehensive guide on the manner in which one can seek EPR licensing:

Here is comprehensive guide on seeking EPR licensing :

● Address proof of office as well as contact details.

● Certification illustrating incorporation as well as the directorate details.

● Importer details for example IE code.

● Municipal corporation licensing & agreements.

● PAN & Adhaar Card of Signatory.

● Details of items produced by organization.

● BIS licensing copy with ROHS compliance.

● Estimation of plastic/ E-waste produced at facility.

● EPR budgeting.

Signing of agreements with regard to waste management businesses as well as recyclers. Detailing of plans that illustrate awareness programs conducted by Businesses that fully understand what all the advantages EPR registration provides must be in the position to submit appropriate information without any sort of discrepancies. Thus, the can be completion of the procedure online with the least level of effort as well as duration.

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What is tactic of seeking EPR certification?

❖ The EPR is holding compulsion for all types as well as sizes through the utilization of plastic in distinct forms as there are several businesses that are coming forward to take the initiative. This has actually led to the requirement of standardizing the collection as well as the recycling procedure for ensuring that all items received post-recycling will be of the highest quality and this can be utilized for any sort of health hazard posed to the end consumer.

❖ So, any business/ individual looking forward to obtaining EPR licensing for plastic waste in the country must be in the position of fulfilling & submitting paperwork requirements.

❖ Here are the most common points to be taken into consideration for applying to the EPR certification with CPCB.

Brief Procedure for EPR Certification :

➢ To ensure smooth & hassle-free procedure, every business must be in the position of understanding what exactly is EPR and what all steps are involved in seeking the same:

Identification of Governmental authority dealing with EPR :

➢ EPR in India was introduced in 2016. From that time, Governmental authorities amended EPR policy for letting the attainment of specific goals enlisted within PWM.

➢ In India, EPR was introduced in the year 2016. Since then, the Government has put efforts into transforming the policy to achieve the most desired goals for the management of plastic waste. The businesses seeking EPR must be in a position to find details of the agency that is handling the process. Also, making sure to create the CPCB EPR list before the commencement of the recycling solutions is crucial.

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Understanding unique needs:

➢ The CPCB has illustrated the state of the paperwork as well as the information needed for EPR licensing. This is crucial for understanding all unique needs before initiating the registration procedure. The CPCB has clearly stated the documents and information required for the EPR certification. Understanding is essential once you initiate authorization steps and also make sure to go through the authority site.

Collecting documentation :

➢ Owing to the strictness of the Governmental authorities as well as the seriousness with regard to implementing EPR, there must be acceptance of the meeting criteria. So, the organization should be in the position of collecting paperwork as listed on site, ensuring that whatever information shared holds true. With regard to any of the inconsistencies, the application will be dismissed.

Submitting application & documents :

➢ All the details with regard to the waste recycling plans will assist the CPCB for knowing whether the business is able to acquire the understanding about what exactly is EPR as well as all the legalities that are involved in the same. So, there will be audit reporting, financial statements as well as legal documentation, everything will remain the crucial components of the submission. Also, the board will be conducting the assessment of the application, & then will be issuing the licensing. Thus, transparency in all the details that the company will be presenting is a must.

How EPR Registration Consultants help?

It is quite crucial to gain acquaintance with regard to all the requirements in order to qualify for the EPR solutions in the country. So, it is crucial to avoid any of the inaccuracies in order to apply for EPR certification as well as register. The CPCB will be monitoring each & every business closely once there is issuance of the licensing as well as the demands detailed reporting providing the confirmation that there is successful implementation of EPR solutions.

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